Bachelor of Applied Computing (Cybersecurity Track)
The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has been accompanied by an exponential growth in the use of computers and telecommunications. Public and private sectors such as governments, financial institutions, telecommunications, transportation, retailers, energy, education, healthcare, etc. are largely dependent on cyberspace, and the economic growth and stability of any country depends on the security and continuity of its ICT infrastructure.
The campaign of cyber-attacks continues to expand in quantity and quality following the notable success of attacks carried out by cybercriminals and has become one of the most serious economic and national security challenges in cyberspace. Governments and organizations around the world are openly acknowledging that cyber-attacks are one of the most prevalent and high-impact risks they face. Therefore, there is an urgent need to secure cyberspace to ensure the growth of a country's economy and protect its sovereignty.
With this in mind, the Bachelor's program in Cybersecurity is designed to qualify human resources to deter such cyber-attacks and protect cyberspace. The program focuses on teaching basic and advanced knowledge in prevention, detection, response and recovery from cyber incidents and attacks. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the program aims to provide students with a broad analytical framework to assess and solve cybersecurity issues.
Bridging the gap between theory and practice in cybersecurity and enabling the program to be a model of excellence in applied education.
Implementing the highest standards of excellence in applied education to prepare qualified cadres for the labor market in an environment that stimulates learning, intellectual creativity, and optimal use of technology to provide programs in cybersecurity.
Educational Objectives:
After several years of completing the program, graduates will have the ability to:
1. Effectively practice in ICT professions within multidisciplinary teams.
2. Pursue graduate studies and research in the field of computing.
3. To assume leadership positions while adhering to professional ethics and contributing and pushing the process of innovation to achieve local and regional development.
4. Engage in lifelong learning and professional development.
Program Outcomes:
Upon completion of this program, graduates are expected to be able to:
1.Understand the principles of security within a computing environment and have the skills to evaluate, apply and implement security technologies and systems.
2.Protect the organization's critical information and assets, by ethically integrating cybersecurity risk management and business continuity best practices throughout the organization.
3.Implement continuous network monitoring and provide real-time security solutions.
4.Conduct risk and vulnerability assessments of planned/proven information systems, analyze advanced persistent threats and deploy countermeasures.
5.Participate in forensic analysis of cyber incidents and assist in restoring operations.
6.Be aware of leading edge knowledge techniques in the field of cybersecurity technologies and analyze current and emerging computer security technologies.
7.Ability to analyze an issue, identify and define appropriate computing requirements to solve it.
8.Ability to design, implement, and evaluate computer-based solutions to meet a given set of computing requirements in a cybersecurity context.
9.Ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences about technical information.
10.Ability to make informed decisions in computing practices based on legal and ethical principles.
11.Ability to work effectively in a team, set goals, plan tasks, meet deadlines, manage risks, and deliver deliverables.
12.Ability to identify and analyze user needs and consider them in the selection, integration, evaluation and management of computer-based systems.
System of study:
- Graduates are required to complete the 131 credits of the study plan, which can be completed in four academic years. Each year contains two levels of study.
- The language of study for specialized courses and basic science courses is English.
- In the final year, each student, together with some of his/her peers, carries out a graduation project under the supervision of an academic supervisor.
- The program requires internships in accredited organizations to link academic study with practical reality.
- The student can choose a cooperative internship in the eighth semester instead of three courses.
- The study system in the college follows the study rules and regulations in the Unified Regulations of Universities in the Higher Education and Universities Council system and its regulations.
Admission and transfer rules:
1.Admission controls for high school graduates (scientific):
- The student must obtain a weighted percentage of 75% consisting of the following:
1.40% of the achievement test
2.30% Aptitude test
3.30% High School (Scientific)
- The number of students should not exceed the number proposed for admission to the program.
2. Rules for accepting computer diploma graduates:
- The student must obtain a weighted percentage of 75% consisting of the following:
1.40% of the achievement test
2.30% aptitude test
3.30% GPA in the diploma
- The number of students should not exceed the number of students proposed for admission to the program.
- High school (scientific).
3. Regulations for transferring from within the university:
First: Transfer immediately after the completion of the first common year:
- The student must obtain a composite score of 75% consisting of the following:
1.40% of the achievement test
2.30% Aptitude test
3.15% cumulative GPA for the common first year
4.15% mathematics average from the first common year
- The number of transfer students from inside and outside the university should not exceed 10% more than the number of students proposed for admission to the program in the academic year.
- High school (scientific).
Second: Transfer after majoring in the university programs:
- The student must study at least one semester and the number of passing hours is not less than 12 hours after the joint first year.
- The student must obtain a composite percentage of 75% consisting of the following:
1.40% of the achievement test.
2.30% of the aptitude test.
3.30% GPA at the university.
- The transfer must be from scientific colleges only.
- The number of students transferred from inside and outside the university should not exceed 10% more than the number of students proposed for admission to the program in the academic year.
1.Rules for transferring from outside the university:
- The student must study at least one semester and the number of passing hours is not less than 12 hours after the first common year.
- The student must obtain a composite score of 80% consisting of the following:
1.40% of the achievement test.
2.30% of the aptitude test.
3.30% of the student's GPA.
- The transfer must be from scientific colleges only.
- The number of students transferred from inside and outside the university should not exceed 10% more than the number of students proposed for admission to the program in the academic year.
Program options:
The undergraduate program in Applied Computing (Cybersecurity Track) has two options:
I: Courses and summer internship.
Second: Courses and cooperative training.
The total number of credit hours required to complete both options (131 credit hours).
Study Plan for the Bachelor's Program in Applied Computing (Cybersecurity Track)